Our reason for being is to inspire handwritten Love Notes expressing love and gratitude for the every day hero, the men and women who bravely serve our country and community. 


"Proud to have been able to serve my country."

"Hey, my name is Chris and you guys left a note on my car the other day. That particular day was a really hard day for me and I was feeling pretty low. Your note made my day and brought me back up to where I wanted to be. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness. People like you are the reason I am proud to have been able to serve my country, and people like you are the reason I am continuing to pursue a public service career. Thank you for what you are doing. I mean that from the very bottom of my heart. Thank you."    ~Chris O.

"I will surely have this note my whole life."

"My parents got one of these on their car today. I am their son, their Marine, and I can't express how grateful I am to see that note. I am not home with them, as I am stationed somewhere else. But still very heartwarming and in my 4 years, and about to go on my second deployment, it's the first time I have received thanks for my service and I don't truly know how to respond other than thank you. I will surely have this note my whole life. "

Love, Corporal Caparell


"Faith in humanity restored"

"I parked at Target to wait for my wife to pick up some allergy medication. As I waited, a lady approached my driver window with this envelope. She said that she noticed my veteran plates and had these notes ready to give to the veteran drivers. Faith in humanity restored. I'm certainly not one of those vets that feels comfortable receiving thanks, let alone receiving a wonderfully constructed sentiment of genuine appreciation. But politics and personal differences aside, human kindness can bridge our gaps. Thank you, Ms. Natalie wherever you are. You're a beautiful person and this act of kindness put an angry veteran's cold heart back in its place."    ~Mark W.

"But, the note made it all better."

"Natalie left me a note in Peoria, AZ today at Albertson's parking lot. The note really made my day. I'm a bi-lat combat wounded Army vet amputee. Was shopping and hurting from walking. But, the note made it all better. Thanks Natalie!"  ~Bradley-Leonard


"Your letter came at the most perfect time"

"A few weeks ago I took my son to the movies and when we returned to my truck I found a note on my truck addressed to a combat veteran. As I skeptically opened the letter and read it, I was completely taken aback by the heartfelt message. I was literally at a loss for words. Not only was it handwritten, but very inspirational and touching. Your letter came at the most perfect time too, as I was having a very rough week. Not only did this brighten my day, it made my month. As I posted it on Facebook, it didn't take long for all the internet sleuths to find you. Your letter is proudly displayed on the door of my fridge along with my 6 year old sons drawings. When I look at it, I take it to heart knowing that there are people like you that take the time out of your day to brighten others day. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Natalie for everything you do."    ~LeRoy S.