One of my favorite things is football! So when Westview High School's varsity football coach, Nick Gehrts reached out to me, inviting me to speak to his JV and varsity football program, as well as enlist them to hand-write love notes for heroes, I was all in! And I wasn't alone. That's the beauty of this project. There are always good people nearby who are willing to chip in their time, materials and talent to tie these types of projects together! The stars literally align, and all the right players walk in at just the right time. 

Just weeks before I met a lovely LEO wife named Lexie who offered her printing services, and so when I reached out to her with a request to print customized love notes for the Westview Knights football program, she gladly agreed to print 150 and came up with the most amazing note card that featured the Westview Knights mascot. It read: "We know who the real knights in shining armor are."

I love that, and so will the law enforcement officers who receive them!

And then there are my good friends, Jeremiah and Macy Thompson, a young couple who have become an important part of my life, not to mention my team. How we met is another story for another time, a special piece of our Love Note love story. Jeremiah, JD as we affectionately call him, does all the heavy lifting in our speaking engagements. He shares a harrowing tale on the battlefield in Iraq while serving as an MP in the United States Army, as well as the issues that followed him home that he still battles to this day. His story and genuine connection with his audience usually brings the house to tears.

Our visit to Westview High School was an enormous success! That entire football club proved to be just as chivalrous and generous as the knights who came before them, upholding a code of honor and respect that clearly is reinforced by the outstanding coaching staff. The team wrote 150 love notes for law enforcement, including 150 notes to take home to a hero in their life. It was a day I won't soon forget!



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